Our Lady of Hope parish was started on September 13, 1981. The founding pastor was Father George Moreau. Masses were held at Carriage Cove Mobile Park on Nova Road, Spruce Creek High School and Elementary School and daily Mass at the CWA hall near the church property. Everything was out of the trunk of the car.
On Holy Thursday of 1983 we moved into the new hall, which served as the church as well as the parish hall. This building was erected with second collection monies. No fund drive was initiated at all. Due to the generosity of our parishioners this building was paid off and so was the rectory.
Finally the time came for a new church and we did a survey to see if the money could be raised and the response was an outstanding YES. We started the fund drive in March of 1986 for $1,200,000. The church was completed and blessed on January 15, 1989 at a final cost of $1,900,000. Through the generosity of Our Lady of Hope parishioners and the many newcomers to our parish, we were able to pay the last installment on the debt and burn the mortgage on Sunday, November 20, 1994.
Father Raymond O'Leary came to Our Lady of Hope as Pastor on July 1, 1989.
In December, 1994, we began a fund drive to build a new parish center with sufficient rooms to cope with our fast growing religious education program and also to convert the hall into a parish office complex with meeting rooms and space for storage. We started the building in August 1996 and the parish center was completed at Easter, 1997. The hall was converted and ready for occupancy in July 1997. Having paid off all of our buildings we are now debt free. We have two collections in the parish. The first is Stewardship and it looks after the operating expenses of the parish. The second collection is for building and maintenance and it looks after repairs and the up keeping of our buildings and grounds. Father Ray, retired in July 2008 and became our Pastor Emeritus.
Father Joseph Pinchock came to Our Lady of Hope as Pastor on July 1, 2008 - July 31, 2011
along with Father Stephen Ogonwa, as our Parochial Vicar.
Father Christopher A. Hoffmann was assigned to Our Lady of Hope as Pastor on August 1, 2011 -July 31, 2020
Fr. Bernard Kiratu, was appointed to our parish on July 1, 2013, to be our Parochial Vicar.
Sadly, Fr Raymond, O'Leary, our Pastor Emeritus, passed away October 9th, 2019.
August 1, 2020, Fr. Matt Mello was assigned to Our Lady of Hope as Pastor and
Fr. Titus Kachinda was assigned as Parochial Vicar.
On September 1st, 2021 Fr "Paul" Khanh Dau joined Our Lady of Hope as Parochial Vicar.
Sunday: Closed
Mon - Thu: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
After Hours By Appointment
Closed 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM daily for lunch
4675 Clyde Morris Blvd
Port Orange, FL 32129
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